Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Shit, shit, shittity shit. I promised that I would post about Bisou, and I will. I promise. This all ties into Bisou.
Okay, so a few weeks ago, I got a new email. So, I changed my stardoll account's email thingy to my new email. But, I never actually got the email. So I tried again. And again. And again. So, eventually, I mailed the Stardoll staff about it. And they're just like 'blah blah blah, try again, blah blah blah'. So I FRIGGING DID. And when I press that little 'send' button, and the bottom of my page, right about where my 'start' button is and where the 'show desktop' button is, it says fucking FORCE ERROR. So I try again. FORCE ERROR. And again. FORCE ERROR. And again. FORCE ERROR.
Y'see, I wouldn't really care, but I need to verify my email so I can get my stardollar a day. And, of course, that's really important to me because I want my stardollars, man. Ahhhh, but, it was even more important last night. Because Bisou opened. And yes, it is an amazing store, and it has some amazing items of clothing, and just, frigg, man, it's amazing. Especially because, before they broadcast to the whole world of Stardoll, everything was a little cheaper, and non-superstar! But, OH NO, now everything is expenisve and superstar!
Moral of the story : Life is a bitch. And I need superstar. AND TO VERIFY MY FRIGGING EMAIL.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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