Saturday, November 15, 2008


I guess I ought to actually post something about what happened at Stardoll's Most Hated Website.
The infamous Burn Book Bitch, owner of the Stardoll Burn Book, joined Perez's writers army... and you've probably all read it by now. BBB told anyone and everyone the spoilers secret! So now anybody can go and see the spoilers.
Bravo, BBB. I should probably be pissed, because you just ended many good blogs, and now anyone stupid person on Stardoll can see what's going to be in the Starplaza. But I'm happy. Because now I can see it, too! I won't be posting spoilers, unless I just wanted to share something gorgeous... but it's fantastic to know the 'secret'. Of course, now there's no excitement... but I'm still happy to be able to see the things before it's in the Starplaza.
So what do y'all think? Are you happy to know the spoilers, or pissed off?

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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