Monday, November 3, 2008

Callie must be in a really good mood.

Or high. Because everyone knows all the best things happen while you're on drugs. For the past while, we've had an amazing time on Stardoll - I'm even going to ignore that fact that everything good is superstar. This shop, Decades, is beautiful! We've been waiting for a vintage shop for way to long - unless you count the Starbazar, which is only good for rares and HotBuys. But anyway, this shop is amazing. 3 whole pages of gorgeous, vintage clothing. Here are the 3 most beautiful items in this store -

Aren't they lovely? Sorry for my medoll's hair, though. Anyway, I've been waiting for that dress for so long. As soon as I saw that dress on the Coco doll, my mouth dropped. It is frigging amazing. I think I'll end here, because I don't want to blabber anymore than I already have.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - Somebody, please get me a thesaurus. I used amazing and beautiful way too much in that post. Agh.

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