Friday, November 28, 2008

Spoilers times five hundred.

I'm not bothering with an introduction. This doesn't need one. I'm just too excited.

a) Miss Stardoll?!?! I'm going to assume this is the first Miss Stardoll, as I think I would have heard about this before. What is this contest? Wait, is it even a contest? I'm a little confused. Knowing Stardoll, this award will probably go to some girl with a suite that contains the new Bolt dogs that I'm no bothering to blog about, and with a closet consisting of ugly, badly made clothes - but somehow this banner interests me.

b) Okay, there's not too much to say about that. Obviously, it's like a built in bra. This isn't exactly scandalous or remotely interesting, but we can buy new underwear. Yay.

c) I savged the best for last. Just look at that. LOOK AT THAT! It's beautiful. Among many other beautiful things, there were these amazing dresses [and shirt]. They're frigging gorgeous. That shirt is just aaaah-dorable. The dress beside it? Perfect. Top left corner, Miu Miu prom dress. I've had that dress on Polyvore for ever, and it's one of my favourite dresses ever. Beside it, I'm pretty sure that's Marc Jacobs. It is just so cute. And I think Miley Cyrus wore it in yellow on the cover of Seventeen magazine... anyway, then we come to... ohmygod... I can't put it in words. This is probably the item Stardoll has put the most effort into, ever. Except for maybe the Rami Kashou/Ben Amun. But that thing is BEAUTIFUL. Gawdamn beautiful.
Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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