Friday, November 21, 2008

oh snap.

You just got Starplazaed. 2 new stores, in the same day. The amazing Philosophy di Alberta Ferreti, then the not-so-amazing Evil Panda. So, I'm going to save the best for last : aka, starting with the 'Evil Panda'.
Okay, this panda isn't really that evil. Nah, it's more like that ugly guy in your bio class who's pretty much harmless, but seems to think that he's truly evil. Uh...yeah. Basically, the only cute things in that shop are moved from Folk over to Evil Panda, or HotBuys. And we all know that HotBuys can no longer do any wrong. The only cute, new thing in there is the feather boa. That thing is sexy. And then.... there's the scariest thing I've ever seen - THE FRICKING PANDA JUMPSUIT. That thing is frightening as hell. If I saw that in real life... well, I'd be having nightmares for weeks.
Moving onto Philosophy! This stuff is gorgeous, almost topping the first season of DKNY. But, similar to DKNY's first collection, this shit is hella expensive. 28 stardollars for one dress?! You've gotta be kidding me. Even the beautiful shoes are 12 stardollars... sob, sob. Those are my favourite things in the store. If I go superstar anytime soon, though, I really doubt I'll buy anything from here, other than [maybe] a pair of shoes. 'Cause those are to-die-for.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - I forgot to broadcast this to TTAS's audience. Taylor Swift's new CD is amazing. I begged my mum to pick it up for me on Tuesday while I was at home, and she did. And guess what? Aparentally, the Walmart person had to take it out of the shipping box to give it to me. SOOOO, I'm the first person in my town to have it! YAYAYAYA. So go buy it. Now. You won't regret it. :)

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