Monday, November 10, 2008

Teen Style...

is finally out! As I promised [*cough* like two months ago *cough*], I'm going to do a full review... SO BAM! It's critizin' tyyyyme!

THE COVER: As I told you, months ago, I love this picture. Mary looks amazing, and I love her outfit!

PREP 'N PLAID: Is it possible for Isabella [Isabella.Arci] to not write well? Everything she touches turns to gold, whether it's her suite, clothing, or writing skills. My favourite picture in this article would have to be....

BAM! The word gorgeous comes to mind. That clutch is AH-MAZING, and the girls in here look fantastic.

ACCESSORY FILE: Aw. The graphics here are fantastic, and I just looove what accessories they chose to feature. Geek glasses and headbands? Yum! My favourite picture in this article, and the whole magazine...

I don't know what it is, but I am in love with this picture! It could be the model's amazing hair, that gorgeous jacket, or the hot purse - but, in the words of HSM3, I want it all!

RUSTY SHADES: Yeah, yeah, whatever. No biggie. Her outfit is okay... but there's not much to say about this article, obviously.

MY WEEK OF CHIC: My favourite article of this issue! This is just amaaaazing. I love all of the outfits! My favourite would have to be Tuesday, but I love every outfit in this article. Runner up favourites would have to be Thursday and Saturday, though. Oh, and by the way - love the purse!

MADE IN UKRAINE: It's not you, Mary, [writemarycat] it's me. I've never really enjoyed the interviews. I think fashion spreads are just more interesting..... wow, that sounded mean. But, I just don't really like interviews. Mary looks fantastic, if that's a plus!

HALLOWEEN DISGUISE: These costumes are gorge-tastic. They all look so very celebrity, which was the point of the article, and so just practical! I was actually thinking that I might have dressed my medoll up as Wino for Halloween, but it seemed like so many people were doing her. So I did Joe Jonas. Ha. Anyway, the writing in this article is golden, too. 2nd favourite article, after My Week of Chic.

HAT TRICK: This article was okay... okay, confession time - I don't think these pictures are that amazing. Probably better than I could do, but I think Teen Style just got a little lazy here. Really, I was just a little bored for this article, because the whole 'ohmygodanotherTeenStylearticleinaweekoooooheeeeemgeee' had worn off. Sorry!

SPILLED INK: Sorry, darling. Her outfit is NOT stylish. The colour, navy blue, is gorgeous, but the items you chose were nooot. I understand, though. There's not that much navy blue on Stardoll.

LUMBERJACK CHIC: Okay, sorry, you got a little lazy with the graphics again... of course, better than I could still do, but y'know. Her hair is gorgeous though. Okay, now that that's out of the way, I love this trend! The writing in here is pretty good, I got bored again because the excitement had worn off. Oh well.

OOOOVERALL, this issue was okay, but not as the first one. Still, good job, Teen Style!

-Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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