Friday, November 28, 2008

Urghh. Am I the only one that doesn't really like the new layout? The writing's too small. ...Wow, I sounded like an old person there. On another note - look at my tiny little stardollars section! Only... three... stardollars... agh. That would be because STARDOLL IS A BITCH AND WON'T SEND ME MY GAWDAMN VERFICATION EMAIL. Ahem.

Here's another thing that got redone - actually, added... so called 'Design Street'. I think it's a cute idea. There's nothing wrong with it, of course. Here's another lil' exciting tidbit - check out the 'coming soon' sign in the corner! Ooh la la. I don't know what they can add now [design your makeup?!], but let's hope it doesn't suck ass. *CoughStarDesignTextleAndIt'sCrappyGraphicsCough*

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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