Saturday, November 29, 2008

yay or nay?

As you can see, I just put up a new banner. Is it good enough to keep? Or should I take it down, and work on a new one? Comments on this post would sure help me make up my mind.


You know that old saying 'you put your foot in your mouth'? I just had to remove that very same foot out of my mouth. Seems I made a wee little mistake on the whole 'stardoll-is-selling-bra's-as-shirts-post'. Turns out, these babies really are bra's! So Stardoll really isn't selling these undergarments as clothing. Heck, thats one less thing I have to worry about.

a jam-packed post..

Full of rather random things. Since I can't find anything that I can blog about, I'm just going to throw in some random tidbits for your amusment. First off, I'm going to start on kind of an important note. Has anyone noticed that you just cannot seem to save accessories?! Seriously, I'm starting to get pissed. I look like an alien without my eyelashes!Hmmph, whatever. Hopefully they'll get this sorted out sooner or later. On a better note, while I was searching the net, looking at some fellow blogger's sites, I noticed this picture;

You might be thinking 'yeah, yeah, I've already heard about this coming soon part of the Design tab'. But as I read into the post, it told me to look closer. THERE'S A WIG IN THE BACKGROUND! Now, look a bit closer, and you see a vanity mirror, and something to the right of the wig. Could Stardoll possibly be having a hair studio?! Gosh, I hope so. Even though I like some of the hairstyles we can choose, c'mon. [Information taken from Sense of Stardoll, a blog].

Now, onto something rather funny. As Elle noted, there seems to be maybe a new underwear collection? But now that I think about it, knowing Stardoll, this is probably some kind of shirt. Just what we need, more skin exposing clothing to set an example for nine year olds all over the world! Just one more thing that I won't be buying.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Spoilers times five hundred.

I'm not bothering with an introduction. This doesn't need one. I'm just too excited.

a) Miss Stardoll?!?! I'm going to assume this is the first Miss Stardoll, as I think I would have heard about this before. What is this contest? Wait, is it even a contest? I'm a little confused. Knowing Stardoll, this award will probably go to some girl with a suite that contains the new Bolt dogs that I'm no bothering to blog about, and with a closet consisting of ugly, badly made clothes - but somehow this banner interests me.

b) Okay, there's not too much to say about that. Obviously, it's like a built in bra. This isn't exactly scandalous or remotely interesting, but we can buy new underwear. Yay.

c) I savged the best for last. Just look at that. LOOK AT THAT! It's beautiful. Among many other beautiful things, there were these amazing dresses [and shirt]. They're frigging gorgeous. That shirt is just aaaah-dorable. The dress beside it? Perfect. Top left corner, Miu Miu prom dress. I've had that dress on Polyvore for ever, and it's one of my favourite dresses ever. Beside it, I'm pretty sure that's Marc Jacobs. It is just so cute. And I think Miley Cyrus wore it in yellow on the cover of Seventeen magazine... anyway, then we come to... ohmygod... I can't put it in words. This is probably the item Stardoll has put the most effort into, ever. Except for maybe the Rami Kashou/Ben Amun. But that thing is BEAUTIFUL. Gawdamn beautiful.
Kisses and Hugs, Elle
Urghh. Am I the only one that doesn't really like the new layout? The writing's too small. ...Wow, I sounded like an old person there. On another note - look at my tiny little stardollars section! Only... three... stardollars... agh. That would be because STARDOLL IS A BITCH AND WON'T SEND ME MY GAWDAMN VERFICATION EMAIL. Ahem.

Here's another thing that got redone - actually, added... so called 'Design Street'. I think it's a cute idea. There's nothing wrong with it, of course. Here's another lil' exciting tidbit - check out the 'coming soon' sign in the corner! Ooh la la. I don't know what they can add now [design your makeup?!], but let's hope it doesn't suck ass. *CoughStarDesignTextleAndIt'sCrappyGraphicsCough*

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm not the one for advertising..

But this post is completely nescessary. Now people, deep down, I know you all want to know about glitches galore, and I've found the club that supplies the craving. Free.Stuff is a club that fills you in about the 'monthly glitch' and a lot of other free, exciting things Stardoll goofs up on. Yes, yes, I know it sounds too good to be true. I was very skeptical at first also. But, they work! Just look at the dresses I scored;

That's just two of the four that I could get. If you're dying to find out how I got them, first join the club, then go to the highly useful top spot topic; Free Gift dress 4 all! =). For this one, you have to be patient. Now, there is a downside to this club. First of all, some of the non-top spot topics can be lies. The best thing you can do is look in the top spot topics, because the owner is truthful. Also, some of the old glitches don't work. So, I suggest joining the club ASAP, and you'll get informed about the lastest goof-ups from Stardoll, that you always gain from.



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

December HotBuys ;

Okay, just to start this off - WHAT THE HELL DIED ON THE MODEL'S FACE??!?!?! Her makeup is just ugly.

Okay, moving on. These HotBuys were no suprise, as they were on the HotBuys doll, but that doesn't make them any less fabulous. These HotBuys are amazing, duh. But let's get a move on, and start the critiquing! Worst to best. Number 10 to number 1. Let's go go go.
10. Butterfly Pins : Erm. Am I the only one on Stardoll who doesn't actually like these pins that much? I mean, they're pretty good. Just... something's off. Urgh. Since they're superstar, I might not have the chance to buy them, but I probably wouldn't buy them anyways.

9. Pants : Forgive me fashion gods... but I actually kind of like these. Well, they're pretty good. I can just see our faithful readers [just pretend that we have some readers] sighing, thinking 'What the hell happened to Elle's fashion sense?!??!' but I think that someone could pull these off. I might buy them.

8. White Dress : Okay, everyone must think I'm crazy. I'm not, well, at least not crazy about this dress. I don't really adore it. It's nice, but not me - I might buy it. Key word there is might.

7. Skirt : Aw. This is cute. I'm almost definitely going to buy this.

6. Fur Jacket : Wasn't this jacket in one of the first DKNY collections?!?!??! I might just be crazy, but I swear that I've seen this in on other medolls... and they had the DKNY tag on them. Anyway, this jacket is hella cute. I'm 99% sure I'm buying this.

5. Necklace : Ooh la la. This necklace is yummy. I have no clue what I'm going to pair with it, but this necklace is hoooot. Definitely buying.
4. Shirt : I just love sparkles in dark colours. It's so... sophisticated but fun.... and I have the perfect outfit idea for this shirt, too. Most definitely buying!
3. Earrings : I NEED THESE IN REAL LIFE. Peacock feathers = love. Obviously buying!
2. Clutch : Awmygod. This clutch is gorgeous. The shape, the contrast, the jewels, the texture that I'm imagining this clutch would have in real life - all beautiful. I need this fricking clutch.
1. Shoes : AHHHHHH! These are simply beautiful. The colours are perfect. Yeeee! From my description, you may not be able to tell how much I luuuurve these... but I lurve these. Trust me. It's hard to put my love into words.
So, basically, these HotBuys rock. Buy them. Duh.
Kisses and Hugs, Elle
PS - This is my joke that's not funny about the gorgeous shoes. My medoll's feet are starting to hurt from all the heels. ....Okay, I'm sorry, that joke was uncalled for. Shutting up now.

Friday, November 21, 2008

oh snap.

You just got Starplazaed. 2 new stores, in the same day. The amazing Philosophy di Alberta Ferreti, then the not-so-amazing Evil Panda. So, I'm going to save the best for last : aka, starting with the 'Evil Panda'.
Okay, this panda isn't really that evil. Nah, it's more like that ugly guy in your bio class who's pretty much harmless, but seems to think that he's truly evil. Uh...yeah. Basically, the only cute things in that shop are moved from Folk over to Evil Panda, or HotBuys. And we all know that HotBuys can no longer do any wrong. The only cute, new thing in there is the feather boa. That thing is sexy. And then.... there's the scariest thing I've ever seen - THE FRICKING PANDA JUMPSUIT. That thing is frightening as hell. If I saw that in real life... well, I'd be having nightmares for weeks.
Moving onto Philosophy! This stuff is gorgeous, almost topping the first season of DKNY. But, similar to DKNY's first collection, this shit is hella expensive. 28 stardollars for one dress?! You've gotta be kidding me. Even the beautiful shoes are 12 stardollars... sob, sob. Those are my favourite things in the store. If I go superstar anytime soon, though, I really doubt I'll buy anything from here, other than [maybe] a pair of shoes. 'Cause those are to-die-for.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - I forgot to broadcast this to TTAS's audience. Taylor Swift's new CD is amazing. I begged my mum to pick it up for me on Tuesday while I was at home, and she did. And guess what? Aparentally, the Walmart person had to take it out of the shipping box to give it to me. SOOOO, I'm the first person in my town to have it! YAYAYAYA. So go buy it. Now. You won't regret it. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what's that? oh, it's just...

my guilt kicking in. Most bloggers are probably jumping in joy right now, but honestly, I'm a little bored. The BBB scandal was awesome, but I've already done a post on that. Eternity's new magazine was amazing, but Shannon's been there, done that. And then there's the whole Mary-Ellie thing... but I've never felt right blogging about that kind of gossip. Even though it's entertaining to read, I don't feel right posting on that. So go check out some other blog for that. ;)

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Saturday, November 15, 2008



As you all may know, Mary took a short leave away from Stardoll, and is back once again with a heart-pounding new issue! I'm going to start out with the cover;

When I first got the alert that a new issue was out, I wasn't expecting this! And I mean that in a good way. I absolutly love the two covergirls; Britney Thompson and Noelle Page. The contrast from a dark haired beauty, and glowing blonde is stunning. And the outfits that they're sporting, fabulous as usual. To the catchy 'We Kissed A Girl, Her Name Is Fashion' phrase, to the warm color palette, this issue is a new and improved Eternity.

This time around, the graphics are even better than ever. I loved the article 'Fashion Worlds'. These writers were right on the spot about the fashion trends on Stardoll. Everything goes perfectly together. Until my eyes ran across the 'Milan' part. Not their best outfit. The leopard print tights, with the flowered skirt? I'm not the one to critize too much, but these clothes have seen better days. Moving on...

Ooh, what really interested me was the interview with Noelle and Britney, though. Did anyone pick up on Britney's bragging a little bit? I mostly noticed it when Lorie asked her about her friends she's made on Stardoll. Interesting. I also noticed that Britney wanted some sort of shop to sell original DKNY. Me, I'm not on board for that idea. It makes people think that money buys happiness. And that's definetely not true. I did like how Britney included celebrity quotes, and inspiration. And for Noelle, her answers were so well thought out I don't have anything mean to say!

Okay, nearly done here. The last thing I want to bring up is the article 'The Big "Wannabe" Controversy'. I really loved how this was written, and how it brings up this topic that not a lot of people want to talk about. People on Stardoll who pose, and act like someone different, don't usually suceed in real life. If they're this desperate to pretend to be someone other than themselves online, then they aren't worth your time.

Well, there's my little summary for you. If you actually took the time to read this, I thank you. If you want more of this issue, go to to check it out yourself!



I guess I ought to actually post something about what happened at Stardoll's Most Hated Website.
The infamous Burn Book Bitch, owner of the Stardoll Burn Book, joined Perez's writers army... and you've probably all read it by now. BBB told anyone and everyone the spoilers secret! So now anybody can go and see the spoilers.
Bravo, BBB. I should probably be pissed, because you just ended many good blogs, and now anyone stupid person on Stardoll can see what's going to be in the Starplaza. But I'm happy. Because now I can see it, too! I won't be posting spoilers, unless I just wanted to share something gorgeous... but it's fantastic to know the 'secret'. Of course, now there's no excitement... but I'm still happy to be able to see the things before it's in the Starplaza.
So what do y'all think? Are you happy to know the spoilers, or pissed off?

Kisses and Hugs, Elle


Go. To. Fucking. Perez's. Blog. Now.

This dirt is HUGE, bitch. Huge.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Monday, November 10, 2008

Teen Style...

is finally out! As I promised [*cough* like two months ago *cough*], I'm going to do a full review... SO BAM! It's critizin' tyyyyme!

THE COVER: As I told you, months ago, I love this picture. Mary looks amazing, and I love her outfit!

PREP 'N PLAID: Is it possible for Isabella [Isabella.Arci] to not write well? Everything she touches turns to gold, whether it's her suite, clothing, or writing skills. My favourite picture in this article would have to be....

BAM! The word gorgeous comes to mind. That clutch is AH-MAZING, and the girls in here look fantastic.

ACCESSORY FILE: Aw. The graphics here are fantastic, and I just looove what accessories they chose to feature. Geek glasses and headbands? Yum! My favourite picture in this article, and the whole magazine...

I don't know what it is, but I am in love with this picture! It could be the model's amazing hair, that gorgeous jacket, or the hot purse - but, in the words of HSM3, I want it all!

RUSTY SHADES: Yeah, yeah, whatever. No biggie. Her outfit is okay... but there's not much to say about this article, obviously.

MY WEEK OF CHIC: My favourite article of this issue! This is just amaaaazing. I love all of the outfits! My favourite would have to be Tuesday, but I love every outfit in this article. Runner up favourites would have to be Thursday and Saturday, though. Oh, and by the way - love the purse!

MADE IN UKRAINE: It's not you, Mary, [writemarycat] it's me. I've never really enjoyed the interviews. I think fashion spreads are just more interesting..... wow, that sounded mean. But, I just don't really like interviews. Mary looks fantastic, if that's a plus!

HALLOWEEN DISGUISE: These costumes are gorge-tastic. They all look so very celebrity, which was the point of the article, and so just practical! I was actually thinking that I might have dressed my medoll up as Wino for Halloween, but it seemed like so many people were doing her. So I did Joe Jonas. Ha. Anyway, the writing in this article is golden, too. 2nd favourite article, after My Week of Chic.

HAT TRICK: This article was okay... okay, confession time - I don't think these pictures are that amazing. Probably better than I could do, but I think Teen Style just got a little lazy here. Really, I was just a little bored for this article, because the whole 'ohmygodanotherTeenStylearticleinaweekoooooheeeeemgeee' had worn off. Sorry!

SPILLED INK: Sorry, darling. Her outfit is NOT stylish. The colour, navy blue, is gorgeous, but the items you chose were nooot. I understand, though. There's not that much navy blue on Stardoll.

LUMBERJACK CHIC: Okay, sorry, you got a little lazy with the graphics again... of course, better than I could still do, but y'know. Her hair is gorgeous though. Okay, now that that's out of the way, I love this trend! The writing in here is pretty good, I got bored again because the excitement had worn off. Oh well.

OOOOVERALL, this issue was okay, but not as the first one. Still, good job, Teen Style!

-Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Saturday, November 8, 2008

sorry, dollies.

Casey, the other writer on our blog, won't be posting anymore. Me and Shannon decided that she wasn't right for the blog. Go add her at Vouge.Is.Me if you want more of her, though.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Friday, November 7, 2008


AHHHHHHHH. Okay, Callie must be smoking something, because Bisou is amazing. Despite the fact that nearly everything is superstar, the clothes are absolutly amazing. I do admit that a couple of those short-shorts things are scary, but the rest is totally fantabulous. Theres tons of outfits you can make with this stuff!

From night, to the streets, or even farmer chic, you can find all your heart's desire here. It has a small selection at the moment, but I'm sure as time goes on, this little store will be all grown up!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Shit, shit, shittity shit. I promised that I would post about Bisou, and I will. I promise. This all ties into Bisou.
Okay, so a few weeks ago, I got a new email. So, I changed my stardoll account's email thingy to my new email. But, I never actually got the email. So I tried again. And again. And again. So, eventually, I mailed the Stardoll staff about it. And they're just like 'blah blah blah, try again, blah blah blah'. So I FRIGGING DID. And when I press that little 'send' button, and the bottom of my page, right about where my 'start' button is and where the 'show desktop' button is, it says fucking FORCE ERROR. So I try again. FORCE ERROR. And again. FORCE ERROR. And again. FORCE ERROR.
Y'see, I wouldn't really care, but I need to verify my email so I can get my stardollar a day. And, of course, that's really important to me because I want my stardollars, man. Ahhhh, but, it was even more important last night. Because Bisou opened. And yes, it is an amazing store, and it has some amazing items of clothing, and just, frigg, man, it's amazing. Especially because, before they broadcast to the whole world of Stardoll, everything was a little cheaper, and non-superstar! But, OH NO, now everything is expenisve and superstar!
Moral of the story : Life is a bitch. And I need superstar. AND TO VERIFY MY FRIGGING EMAIL.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It won't let me open the frigging shop, though, IT WON'T LOAD!!!!!!!!

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - I'll give you a real post when I loads. I'm just doing homework, but now I'm all excited.

Elle and Teen Vouge

So, right now I am so amazingly nervous. Every moment I am at home I sit by the mailbox or my computer, waiting for the mail, or an email to say if I have got the job at Elle. I am so tense right now. But, even if I do not get the job the tester said "you writing is truly inspirational for some on of your age!"
Thats sensational! I am just so thrilled to have got the oppurtunity. I can't wait to see the result.
Wish me luck!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Callie must be in a really good mood.

Or high. Because everyone knows all the best things happen while you're on drugs. For the past while, we've had an amazing time on Stardoll - I'm even going to ignore that fact that everything good is superstar. This shop, Decades, is beautiful! We've been waiting for a vintage shop for way to long - unless you count the Starbazar, which is only good for rares and HotBuys. But anyway, this shop is amazing. 3 whole pages of gorgeous, vintage clothing. Here are the 3 most beautiful items in this store -

Aren't they lovely? Sorry for my medoll's hair, though. Anyway, I've been waiting for that dress for so long. As soon as I saw that dress on the Coco doll, my mouth dropped. It is frigging amazing. I think I'll end here, because I don't want to blabber anymore than I already have.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - Somebody, please get me a thesaurus. I used amazing and beautiful way too much in that post. Agh.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Who lives in a pinnapple under the sea...

Casey! That'd be a picture of one of the most wonderful girls on stardoll, right there. She's definitely pretty far up my list. Dina_da_Dino! Isn't that the best outfit? Not only is she the nicest person I know from Stardoll, she is talented as Hell. Like, that dress. Haven't seen it in the store, have you? That's because the top of it is frigging PINEAPPLES. And the rest, she designed as curtains from the Stardesign interior. Aaaand, the accessories and hair just look beautiful. Especially that clutch [*cough* I'm jealous *cough*].

Kisses and Hugs, Elle