Thursday, September 4, 2008

whats with the hooker boots?

Am I the only one that noticed this? Jeez, stardoll. I thought this was supposed to be a kids site, not some kind of stripper joint! I mean I can see people dressing up their medoll with regular stilleto's, but knee high, black ones? Who came up with those designs?! I want to know, ASAP. To prove my point, I have provided the pictures below;

I know the outfit my medoll is wearing is fantabulous, but the real attention should go to the boots. Some of them aren't too bad, but the silver metallic ones are pushing it. And the red ones. And the black ones. [;

[by the way, i get all the text and graphics from, try it!] But seriously stardoll, the ones in Fallen Angel are a crime. Anything over the knee and that high should be punished. Blechh.

Until next time,


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