Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sorry, bad title, I'm listening to the new Girlicious CD. I need to find out if they suck as much as PCD. :)

Anyways, on another subject, check out this chick's outfit!
She's got the fabulous new Chanel trend, DKNY clothes, and a mixture of some other rare faaaaabulous clothes incorporated in one fierce outfit. 'Course, she's also got some other brands in there, but nobody care about that. JOKING. :)
I guess I should also tell you her username... it's Lili-Model. I'm almost positive that she used to be considered Elite, but maybe not anymore... I wonder what happened? If anyone knows, please contact me, it'd be much appreciated. Or if she never was Elite, hahaah.
Kisses and Hugs,
PS - I actually do like some of the Pussy Cat Dolls music, just their clothes SCREAM slut. I think Girlicious is a tad better. :)

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