Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Excuse my little outbreak above. You wanna know why I did that? THE NEW ARRIVALS FROM RIO ARE FANTABULOUS. No, they're better than fantabulous. They're supercalifradjalisticexpealidocous fantabulous. And I only reserve that expression for something like this.[; But seriously! I've never seen stardoll come out with this kinda stuff! It's all new, and I'm going to get some of it. But look;

The dress is amazing. So is the other one though. And the leggings. And shoes. Haa, I clearly have it labeled that i only hate those weird gladiator pumps. But the rest, MAN! I can't keep my eyes off them. The outfits are actually put together well [for once] and when I get the money, the only thing thats going to be on my mind that day is; SHOPPING SPREE [and possibly school]. Check out these ones;

Okay this page has to be my all time favorite! Maybe its just the sequins that catch my eye, but they come in fantabulous colors and sizes. They're to die for. So if your like me, I'd snatch these clothes up before they're gone. Have fun shopping!


EDIT: Hello, it's me, Elle, bombarding Shannon's post. I just wanted to say, I SECOND SHANNON! :D While I don't love everything with a passion like she does, that orange dress is diiiiivine! The sequin skirt and the 'Puffball' dress are gorgey too. Yay! So go buy it, now! :)

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