Sunday, September 28, 2008

September HotBuys! :)

Yeah, yeah, I got on this whole Septembers HotBuys thing a little late... but I still couldn't resist sharing my opinions with our many, erm... maybe 2 readers? :)
Anyways, just... OHMYGOD, would you look at that?!

It's beautiful.

Noooow, I'm going to put in a list of worst to beeeest! Yeahyeah.

10. Black Jacket - Not bad, better than most of the stuff we've seen in modern HotBuys before, but definitely the worst of the bunch. Really, the details just suck. And so not my style.

9. Brooch - I love the whole vintage brooch idea thing, but the skulls are so not me. Still, pretty good, I'll most likely buy it.

8. Pantyhose - Cute, but I'm not really sure what you would wear them with, without looking cheap. I'm still pretty likely to buy them, though, of course. Would I buy them if they weren't a HotBuy though...?

7. Pink Shirt - Adorable design, wrong colour. This would have looked fabulous in black, or maybe a deep magenta. I'll probably buy it anyways, it'll look good with the right accesorries.

6. Feather Headband - Very trendy; I love feathers. This'll look awesome with the right outfit. Definitely buying it.

5. Black Bow - I love this! The lace is amazing, and it'll look good with about everything. Can't wait for this to come out!

4. Cardigan - I already bought it, and love it. It's just so frigging cute.

3. Fendi Clutch - Okay, when I first saw this, I thought it was one of the boom-box wallet things. They're just about EVERYWHERE downtown in my area. Needless to say, I already loved it. Then I realized that was just some beautiful, edgy detailing... and then I loved it more. I'll cry if this is superstar.

2. Skirt - I have no clue why I love this so much, but I do. This. Skirt. Is. Beautiful. The poof, the colour, the stripes... all gorgeous. Most defiinitely buying it!

1. Boots - Okay, just looking at them, you're probably like 'So what? I've seen plenty of black boots in the Starplaza'. But, oh no, these are much more than just boots. Just look at the detail! These are beautiful, and I can't wait till they come out.

So there you go... please comment, and tell me [ or, uh, US ] which HotBuy is your favourite!

Kisses and hugs, Elle

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