Monday, September 1, 2008


Ahhh. Doesn't stardoll realize that the Tampax Pearl ad's everywhere are a wee bit awkward? Jeez. They've been plastered to the webpage for more than a few weeks now. WE GET IT. Now take down the effing ad's! I do admit that the ad's aren't as bad as the first week stardoll ran them, but still! And the ad's I find totally and completely annoying? The ones that are stuck to the top of the webpage. It pisses me off because you have to scroll down, and then when you go to the next page you have to do it all over again, or get used to a page without the top ad's. I don't know if that made much sense, because its morning over here, okay?[; But stardoll, just a hint, THE PEOPLE OF STARDOLL DON'T APPRECIATE TAMPON AD'S. Oy Vey.

Yours till the lemon drops,

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