Monday, September 29, 2008

I love you, Gemma_W

I really do. Well, I don't think I've ever actually talked to you, but you have got the most amazing fashion sense. Like, the outfit I'm featuring today.

Yes, just looking at the outfit, it's not that fantastic...Yeah, just another, typical but pretty outfit from Gemma. But I had a thought. 'Where did she get that skirt? I've never seen it before!'

So, I picked up her skirt to see what store she got it from, or if it was from the Starbazar... and BAM! It's not a skirt at all! No, it's the Sound of Music bag from Fallen Angel! I've owned that purse for ages, but never found a use for it.

Kisses and hugs, Elle

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September HotBuys! :)

Yeah, yeah, I got on this whole Septembers HotBuys thing a little late... but I still couldn't resist sharing my opinions with our many, erm... maybe 2 readers? :)
Anyways, just... OHMYGOD, would you look at that?!

It's beautiful.

Noooow, I'm going to put in a list of worst to beeeest! Yeahyeah.

10. Black Jacket - Not bad, better than most of the stuff we've seen in modern HotBuys before, but definitely the worst of the bunch. Really, the details just suck. And so not my style.

9. Brooch - I love the whole vintage brooch idea thing, but the skulls are so not me. Still, pretty good, I'll most likely buy it.

8. Pantyhose - Cute, but I'm not really sure what you would wear them with, without looking cheap. I'm still pretty likely to buy them, though, of course. Would I buy them if they weren't a HotBuy though...?

7. Pink Shirt - Adorable design, wrong colour. This would have looked fabulous in black, or maybe a deep magenta. I'll probably buy it anyways, it'll look good with the right accesorries.

6. Feather Headband - Very trendy; I love feathers. This'll look awesome with the right outfit. Definitely buying it.

5. Black Bow - I love this! The lace is amazing, and it'll look good with about everything. Can't wait for this to come out!

4. Cardigan - I already bought it, and love it. It's just so frigging cute.

3. Fendi Clutch - Okay, when I first saw this, I thought it was one of the boom-box wallet things. They're just about EVERYWHERE downtown in my area. Needless to say, I already loved it. Then I realized that was just some beautiful, edgy detailing... and then I loved it more. I'll cry if this is superstar.

2. Skirt - I have no clue why I love this so much, but I do. This. Skirt. Is. Beautiful. The poof, the colour, the stripes... all gorgeous. Most defiinitely buying it!

1. Boots - Okay, just looking at them, you're probably like 'So what? I've seen plenty of black boots in the Starplaza'. But, oh no, these are much more than just boots. Just look at the detail! These are beautiful, and I can't wait till they come out.

So there you go... please comment, and tell me [ or, uh, US ] which HotBuy is your favourite!

Kisses and hugs, Elle

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm depressed.

Why, you ask?
My superstar ends today.
Okay, yeah, superstardom has to end sometime... but this is more annoying than usual.
A few Sunday's ago, September 21st, I thought I was supposed to get my weekly refill of 100 stardollars. But, I didn't. My little stardollar thingy still read 4 stardollars. So, I mailed the Stardoll staff. A few days later, they message me back, saying that they were only supposed to give me 12 weeks of refills... so, on that 13th week, even though I was still superstar, I wasn't scheduled for a refill.
So they were actually right. Dammit. Especially so, because I was going to save my last refill. Now, I'm just going to have to save up my daily stardollars. Sob, sob.

Daggers ands knives, Elle

[ that last bit was a joke. Kisses and hugs, daggers and knives... yeah, yeah. :) ]

Friday, September 26, 2008

New MK?

I'm sure you've seen this picture already, but I thought I'd just rub it in a little. First Pauline supposedly had a makeover [which didn't last long enough for me to even see], and now Mary-Kate has got a new face?
It does look way more realistic, which is a plus. And that outfit is gorgeous, another plus. And there's no cons... unless she loses her head too. * gasp *
However, the doll doesn't actually have this head yet, and either does her medoll... I'll keep y'all posted. :)
Hugs and kisses, Elle

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sorry, bad title, I'm listening to the new Girlicious CD. I need to find out if they suck as much as PCD. :)

Anyways, on another subject, check out this chick's outfit!
She's got the fabulous new Chanel trend, DKNY clothes, and a mixture of some other rare faaaaabulous clothes incorporated in one fierce outfit. 'Course, she's also got some other brands in there, but nobody care about that. JOKING. :)
I guess I should also tell you her username... it's Lili-Model. I'm almost positive that she used to be considered Elite, but maybe not anymore... I wonder what happened? If anyone knows, please contact me, it'd be much appreciated. Or if she never was Elite, hahaah.
Kisses and Hugs,
PS - I actually do like some of the Pussy Cat Dolls music, just their clothes SCREAM slut. I think Girlicious is a tad better. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I haven't posted in like, a weeeeeeek... :
I haven't been on stardoll that much this week, so I didn't get much gossip, fashion, and all that....
Well, screw the excuses. I'm posting again.


I am trying so hard to get some famous faces to talk to the blog but it is so hard! It is hard to get a response from people who probably get a million different starmails, guestbook entries every day. I am attempting to get two of the biggest names on stardoll but it is so hard. I will try every second though.

I love writing for this blog, it is a true way anyone can get involved and we can voice our true opinion about stardoll. Isn't is sensational? I am having so much fun.

Lots of Love

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just some up and coming news...

INTERVIEWS GALORE. Yes, I know its going to be fantabulous. I'm planning on having two people interview for the blog, and then I will share the interviews for all you to see! Trust me, you'll want to.[; Heres a hint of who the people might be;

Now remember people. The big word here is might. But if you can guess who these people are, you better hope its a good might.

Your's till the interviews,


Me again!

I was thinking about all the latest Stardoll Gossip news and then I remembered about the whole Style magazine dilemma.

It is rumoured that Style magazine is also the runner of teen style Model.Selena and Sudanese Beauty but who knows?

Come to this site and get all the latest gossip and news first!

Interview with Bluegreen86

I had the pleasure of talking to Bluegreen86, a pro trader and finder of the lottery dresses. Here is what she had to say!

Vouge.Is.Me: Hi bluegreen86. Nice to see you. So now I have heard about your lottery dresses. How did you manage to find them and trade them?

Bluegreen86: Hello well when I heard the lottery dresses were given out I somewhat panicked and checked all the famous blogs and asked around to see who had the dresses I found a few non superstars and I made them superstars for them and others I did get from finding and trading

Vouge.Is.Me: You must have looked around for so long! How badly did you want these dresses?

Bluegreen86: Yes I really did look around! I wanted them extremely bad I felt that they were gorgeous and rare and I NEEDED to have them but I also didn’t want to psyche myself out because if I got overly stressed upon getting them I knew it would’ve been bad

Vouge.Is.Me: You are dedicated. Well onto my last question were the dresses worth it?

Bluegreen86: Thank you and I think they really were worth it, I love each one, and I think it will help me create the collection I dream of having because I think as time goes on they will seem more rare.

Vouge.Is.Me; I have really enjoyed talking to you! Thanks for taking your time out to talk to me and I wish you all the best.

Bluegreen86: Thank you for taking the time out to interview me and I also wish you and the blog the best
So check out her page, she has the most wonderful wardrobe and is a true gem!


Hi, I am Vouge.Is.Me and I am the very new writer f0r The Truth About Stardoll. I want to start by saying thanks to the two wonderful owners for letting me have the job! You are so wonderful. I am still learning about the blogging industry so this won't be perfect yet!

I am so happy to be writing here! It's such a dream come true and I can't wait to get to know you all.
That's all I really want to say but I will publish more posts when I get the gossip!

Friday, September 12, 2008

after awhile of searching...

I FOUND SOME WINNERS OF THE COUTURE LOTTERY! Phew, it took awhile, but the dresses are amazing! I am rather confused, though. I guess stardoll sent out more than 20 dresses. I've looked up people, and there are more than one of the same dress! Bizzarre, right? But anyways, back to business. Since I'm too lazy to post pictures of the people with their dresses, I've provided their usernames below [please note that you have to search in these peoples closets / rooms to find the dresses].
-hollymarilyn [superjealous, she has the Kylie Minogue dress!]
-bluegreen86 [multiple lottery dresses]
-Xmissy.dX [she has the most valuable one, so jealous! :D]
So have fun gushing over the dresses that you didn't win. Haa, just joking with you. But some advice to the people who DID win them, HOLD ON TO THEM WITH YOUR LIFE. These dresses are too good to be sold over starbazaar. To the people who did sell them, what the hell? So what if you got alot of money, its not worth it. People just don't understand the true beauty of the dresses, do they?
[btw, I got most of this couture lottery info from I give them all of the credit for finding the winners!]

Yours till the shooting stars,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

just a little shoutout..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORDY! WOOHOO! okay, just wanted everyone to know that. So stop by her page [PinkxLovexJordy] and be sure to wish her a happy birthday!


Monday, September 8, 2008

anyone heard..?

Has anyone heard who won the couture dress lottery? I am completely puzzled about this. Surely stardoll would write in the Magazine about who won it, to make it fair? I'm very suprised that they haven't yet! Maybe they forgot...? Just incase anyone forgot, the couture lottery was a chance to win one of 20 original, one-of-a-kind, couture dresses. This came to be because of the 20 million members on stardoll. But this contest was announced about a MONTH ago. Who won?! Or did stardoll build up all that hype and excitement just to forget about us, and let us down? If anyone has any information about this, either contact me, or leave a comment about it on this post.

Yours till the ice creams,

Thursday, September 4, 2008

whats with the hooker boots?

Am I the only one that noticed this? Jeez, stardoll. I thought this was supposed to be a kids site, not some kind of stripper joint! I mean I can see people dressing up their medoll with regular stilleto's, but knee high, black ones? Who came up with those designs?! I want to know, ASAP. To prove my point, I have provided the pictures below;

I know the outfit my medoll is wearing is fantabulous, but the real attention should go to the boots. Some of them aren't too bad, but the silver metallic ones are pushing it. And the red ones. And the black ones. [;

[by the way, i get all the text and graphics from, try it!] But seriously stardoll, the ones in Fallen Angel are a crime. Anything over the knee and that high should be punished. Blechh.

Until next time,


I'm warming up to her...

That Isobel girl. Isobel.Stardoll?
The second page of styled outfits for Autumn jewels looks gorgeous.
I'd have a picture at the top of this post, but my screenshot thingy is being screwy...
But I'm sure it's be better later.

Kisses and hugs,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Excuse my little outbreak above. You wanna know why I did that? THE NEW ARRIVALS FROM RIO ARE FANTABULOUS. No, they're better than fantabulous. They're supercalifradjalisticexpealidocous fantabulous. And I only reserve that expression for something like this.[; But seriously! I've never seen stardoll come out with this kinda stuff! It's all new, and I'm going to get some of it. But look;

The dress is amazing. So is the other one though. And the leggings. And shoes. Haa, I clearly have it labeled that i only hate those weird gladiator pumps. But the rest, MAN! I can't keep my eyes off them. The outfits are actually put together well [for once] and when I get the money, the only thing thats going to be on my mind that day is; SHOPPING SPREE [and possibly school]. Check out these ones;

Okay this page has to be my all time favorite! Maybe its just the sequins that catch my eye, but they come in fantabulous colors and sizes. They're to die for. So if your like me, I'd snatch these clothes up before they're gone. Have fun shopping!


EDIT: Hello, it's me, Elle, bombarding Shannon's post. I just wanted to say, I SECOND SHANNON! :D While I don't love everything with a passion like she does, that orange dress is diiiiivine! The sequin skirt and the 'Puffball' dress are gorgey too. Yay! So go buy it, now! :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

* tingle tingle tingly *

Ooooers, my magazine senses are tingling. The cover of TeenStyle's Sept/Oct issue is frigging fantissimo. Mary [ writemarycat ] look amazing on the cover. Very grunge, very effortless, very trendy. The background is gorgey, too. 'Course, you can't really say much about the few short paragraph's that the Editor's Letter is, but it definitely left me wanting more, more, more. Those Contents are kiiiiilling me, though - I cannot WAIT until they all finally come out. It's making my body do a full shake. ;)
Though, as Anthony [ springate ] mentioned in the 'Replys' section of the magazine, whoever created the graphics got a taaaad lazy.... they used the very same picture for the first 3 pages! Explanation, please?
When the full magazine comes out, I'll do a post on the [ hopefully ] amazing articles. Until theeeeeeeeeen,
Kisses and Hugs. Elle.
PS - While I didn't attend the party, if you want to see some of the best dressers, check out Model-Selena, lovinitlovinit, phishtickie, and the previously mentioned, Anothony. They looked fabulosaaa.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Ahhh. Doesn't stardoll realize that the Tampax Pearl ad's everywhere are a wee bit awkward? Jeez. They've been plastered to the webpage for more than a few weeks now. WE GET IT. Now take down the effing ad's! I do admit that the ad's aren't as bad as the first week stardoll ran them, but still! And the ad's I find totally and completely annoying? The ones that are stuck to the top of the webpage. It pisses me off because you have to scroll down, and then when you go to the next page you have to do it all over again, or get used to a page without the top ad's. I don't know if that made much sense, because its morning over here, okay?[; But stardoll, just a hint, THE PEOPLE OF STARDOLL DON'T APPRECIATE TAMPON AD'S. Oy Vey.

Yours till the lemon drops,