Friday, October 31, 2008

I agree..

"The Good, The bad and The Fugly" seems to be coming up a lot recently and I have to bite in! I am sorry but it is a peice of shit. Now I am all for the non-elites getting their shine but to put people like springate in the bad is just trashy and unacceptable.
I just want to make on comment on some... this could take a while....
R_E_M_Y-The green eyeliner bring out those green eyes.Love the pouty lips." Okay I am sorry she scares me. Her eyes give you daggers and what is up with the hair? Are you blind?
To_Royal-"This raven haired betty has a look like no other.The classic red lip leads me to believe she is quite a diva.I'm loving the tinge of red highlight she added to her hair.Very pretty." OKay I love thie girl but once again the face scares me!
Sophiecdm-"The dark lips go well with the eyes. I love it.Some may say winged eyes are out of style. I say no." This just looks wrong. If I have learnt one thing from my time at TeenVouge, this look is not HOT!
Springate-"Before it was revealed that springate was a boyI thought his medoll looked like a tranny." What a trashy comment! Springate has amazing style and just because he is different he is trashed like that. Not acceptable, biiatch...
Sudanese.Beauty-"Style_magazines other medoll.I so wish she'd change the color of her hair.I don't know where her face begins and her hair ends. It all kind of meshes together.Remember divas: never dye your hair a color that is close to your skin tone. it looks horrible." She can't see where her hair ends. Darliin go to specsavers! She looks gorge and the few tones show that beauty can be represented through any colours!
Style_magazine-"From the boycut hair to the smug lips, to the Michael Jacksonesque nose..this doll is just plain.Plain ole ugly, that is." Urm I just can't comment. One word - biatcchh
but_im_a_laydee-"what can I say about this medoll that hasnt alreadybeen said about Afghanistan?Its bombed out and depleted." Okay even I have to admit this doll wasnt the hawtest thing around but the comment is not kool with everything that is going on right now. This girl needs to smarten up and show some respect.

Now I am all up for freedom of expression, but darl, i have a few tips. A few things from my friends at Teen Vouge
1. Carry on with your gorge writing
2. Stop with the hurtful comments espeically ones saying things like Afgahnistan. Not cool.
3. Finally, your writing is humourous and very truthful to yourself but some people will find it rude and offensive.
Carry on your blog!
Health worker at Teen Vouge

I agree with Helen and all she asked me to put down. Gia, your writing is great! But some comments are getting me hyped up for all the wrong reasons
Love Casey