Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There's nothing to blog about. Is it just me, or did all good things happen last week, and this week is boooooring? I`m just going to make a list of all things, boring or cool. Whatever.

- a few weeks ago, I learned 5 songs on my guitar in 2 days. And I hadn`t touched my guitar in months. So, yeah. I just thought I`d broadcast that to the world.
- the Starplaza has some really skanky clothes at the moment. So this is your chances, sluts. Go get `em.
- Stardesign Interior. This would be more exciting if I... a) was superstar b) didn`t suck at designing and c) uhm... yeah.
- there`s a CoverGUY today. Even though he`s not that attractive, it`s still impressive that he got the votes. So you go, ryanearl.
- I made 5 sets on in one day, WHOOP. My account is `elle, the uber-amazing` at the moment, so go check it.
- Dreamma, à la, was NOT impressive on her `The Good, Bad, and the Fugly` post. Sorry, Dreamma, but some of `The Good` were just gross, and some of her `Bads/Fuglies` were HAWT, with a captial h-a-w-t.

That`s all I can think of at the moment. I just felt guilty for not posting in a few days, so I thought I`d blog today, even if this entry sucks.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

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