Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think I just choked on my cider.

Ohmygod. Thank you Elle for bringing up this topic of 'The Good, The Bad, and The Fugly'. This 'Gia' chick is more off than a burn out lightbulb. I agree with her on a few points. Hrvatica_97 belongs in 'The Good' column, and lucky for her, she was put there. But thats all. As I'm scrolling down the rest, at the end, I see the name Isabella.Arci show up. I quickly see what column she's listed under. 'The Fugly'. My eyebrows raise, because that's the most ignorant I've ever seen a person be. Heres her comment on this;
"I love Isabella but the clear white eyes always put me in the mind of a vampire.Her photos look nothing like this monstrosity she has created.Shes actually quite pretty in real life."
'Gia' has laced this comment with 'sweetness', but doing that makes it much worse. I snicker to myself when I realize that she's completely wrong. If she thinks she's so pretty in real life, then why can't she look past her eye's? Beauty is only skin-deep, sweetie. Then my eyes stop on another 'Fugly'. Style_magazine. At this point, I nearly choke on my cider with laughter. Man, does this girl talk out of her ass!
"From the boycut hair to the smug lips, to the Michael Jacksonesque nose..this doll is just plain.Plain ole ugly, that is."
Right. The 'boycut' hair is very chic, and the lips and nose tie off the look. It's quirky, but it works. Ahh, before I stop this rant, I just want to leave you with one more opinion. I think the first three people in 'The Good' column look like skanks. From the too-dark lipliner, to the slutty eyeshadow, it makes me want to exit out of the page. So I did.
Thanks for reading this rant [if you did],

1 comment:

Brianne said...

You can't forgot the lipliner w/ lipstick of a completely different color. XD I've never talked to her so I can't really say this, but I don't like her. And also, I think she's kissing perez' ass. She put her under 'good' but you'll notice that her eyes are probably glued shut in all that pink eyeshadow. YUCK. Haha.