Friday, October 31, 2008

I agree..

"The Good, The bad and The Fugly" seems to be coming up a lot recently and I have to bite in! I am sorry but it is a peice of shit. Now I am all for the non-elites getting their shine but to put people like springate in the bad is just trashy and unacceptable.
I just want to make on comment on some... this could take a while....
R_E_M_Y-The green eyeliner bring out those green eyes.Love the pouty lips." Okay I am sorry she scares me. Her eyes give you daggers and what is up with the hair? Are you blind?
To_Royal-"This raven haired betty has a look like no other.The classic red lip leads me to believe she is quite a diva.I'm loving the tinge of red highlight she added to her hair.Very pretty." OKay I love thie girl but once again the face scares me!
Sophiecdm-"The dark lips go well with the eyes. I love it.Some may say winged eyes are out of style. I say no." This just looks wrong. If I have learnt one thing from my time at TeenVouge, this look is not HOT!
Springate-"Before it was revealed that springate was a boyI thought his medoll looked like a tranny." What a trashy comment! Springate has amazing style and just because he is different he is trashed like that. Not acceptable, biiatch...
Sudanese.Beauty-"Style_magazines other medoll.I so wish she'd change the color of her hair.I don't know where her face begins and her hair ends. It all kind of meshes together.Remember divas: never dye your hair a color that is close to your skin tone. it looks horrible." She can't see where her hair ends. Darliin go to specsavers! She looks gorge and the few tones show that beauty can be represented through any colours!
Style_magazine-"From the boycut hair to the smug lips, to the Michael Jacksonesque nose..this doll is just plain.Plain ole ugly, that is." Urm I just can't comment. One word - biatcchh
but_im_a_laydee-"what can I say about this medoll that hasnt alreadybeen said about Afghanistan?Its bombed out and depleted." Okay even I have to admit this doll wasnt the hawtest thing around but the comment is not kool with everything that is going on right now. This girl needs to smarten up and show some respect.

Now I am all up for freedom of expression, but darl, i have a few tips. A few things from my friends at Teen Vouge
1. Carry on with your gorge writing
2. Stop with the hurtful comments espeically ones saying things like Afgahnistan. Not cool.
3. Finally, your writing is humourous and very truthful to yourself but some people will find it rude and offensive.
Carry on your blog!
Health worker at Teen Vouge

I agree with Helen and all she asked me to put down. Gia, your writing is great! But some comments are getting me hyped up for all the wrong reasons
Love Casey

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think I just choked on my cider.

Ohmygod. Thank you Elle for bringing up this topic of 'The Good, The Bad, and The Fugly'. This 'Gia' chick is more off than a burn out lightbulb. I agree with her on a few points. Hrvatica_97 belongs in 'The Good' column, and lucky for her, she was put there. But thats all. As I'm scrolling down the rest, at the end, I see the name Isabella.Arci show up. I quickly see what column she's listed under. 'The Fugly'. My eyebrows raise, because that's the most ignorant I've ever seen a person be. Heres her comment on this;
"I love Isabella but the clear white eyes always put me in the mind of a vampire.Her photos look nothing like this monstrosity she has created.Shes actually quite pretty in real life."
'Gia' has laced this comment with 'sweetness', but doing that makes it much worse. I snicker to myself when I realize that she's completely wrong. If she thinks she's so pretty in real life, then why can't she look past her eye's? Beauty is only skin-deep, sweetie. Then my eyes stop on another 'Fugly'. Style_magazine. At this point, I nearly choke on my cider with laughter. Man, does this girl talk out of her ass!
"From the boycut hair to the smug lips, to the Michael Jacksonesque nose..this doll is just plain.Plain ole ugly, that is."
Right. The 'boycut' hair is very chic, and the lips and nose tie off the look. It's quirky, but it works. Ahh, before I stop this rant, I just want to leave you with one more opinion. I think the first three people in 'The Good' column look like skanks. From the too-dark lipliner, to the slutty eyeshadow, it makes me want to exit out of the page. So I did.
Thanks for reading this rant [if you did],


Hey guys! Feels bloddy good to be back! I missed bloggin when school came back. I want to say something to all ya'll biatches but firstly I need to think if the darling owners will mind.
Well, hopefully not, so here goes lool. I was basically thinking of how I wanted to get some other views across so i have started my own blog. yah, check it out,!

so anyways stardoll is getting on my bloddy nerves with all of it's stupid messages BUY STARDOLLARS AND GET A FREE DRESS.
1. Half of the dresses look like someone has made them with their eyes shut
2. I dont need to be a superstar to be happy, got it stardoll
okay the 2nd one was random i just needed another point to make loool

Stardoll when are you giving us more DKNY and please make it non-superstar! I will worship you. Literally, i will get on my knees and serve you. The sooner the bloddy better

so ya'll im gonna leave it there I have ranted on long enough. Plus, need to prepare for halloween! How awesome??!!

Bye Biatches
Casey x

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Brianne is the bestest person on Stardoll. Her username is Godlygirl10. Aaaand, she gave me the idea for my medoll's Halloween costume. You see that picture to the left? Yeah, that'd be my medoll in her costumey glory. Noooow, guess what it is....

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - I'm dressed up as.....

A FRIGGING JONAS BROTHER. I love them so much, but I think this costume is hilarious. And, that is why I love Bri. :)


Okay, it is official I am not dead! I am back and going to start writing as much as possible again. However, right now I will not be able to because, unfortunately, homework calls and it is 11 at night so my eyes need to look at something that isn't square and bright!
Well, I will write tomorrow and can I apologize to the owners for not blogging in years I am sorry!
Write soon


There's nothing to blog about. Is it just me, or did all good things happen last week, and this week is boooooring? I`m just going to make a list of all things, boring or cool. Whatever.

- a few weeks ago, I learned 5 songs on my guitar in 2 days. And I hadn`t touched my guitar in months. So, yeah. I just thought I`d broadcast that to the world.
- the Starplaza has some really skanky clothes at the moment. So this is your chances, sluts. Go get `em.
- Stardesign Interior. This would be more exciting if I... a) was superstar b) didn`t suck at designing and c) uhm... yeah.
- there`s a CoverGUY today. Even though he`s not that attractive, it`s still impressive that he got the votes. So you go, ryanearl.
- I made 5 sets on in one day, WHOOP. My account is `elle, the uber-amazing` at the moment, so go check it.
- Dreamma, à la, was NOT impressive on her `The Good, Bad, and the Fugly` post. Sorry, Dreamma, but some of `The Good` were just gross, and some of her `Bads/Fuglies` were HAWT, with a captial h-a-w-t.

That`s all I can think of at the moment. I just felt guilty for not posting in a few days, so I thought I`d blog today, even if this entry sucks.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Monday, October 27, 2008


Yuck. Okay I haven't exactly been posting. Half of it is because I'm lazy, but the other half is because I'm coughing my lungs out. Oh, and one last thing.
I love halloween. Almost my favorite holiday. But one thing I have to point out, though, is that Stardoll's costumes are really suckish. And creepy. Espescially the clown. *shudder*. And the werewolf. But the other ones are okay, once you get past the whole the-costumes-either-suck-or-look-slutty factor.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another reason why October rocks!



I'm not going to show you a picture or my medoll wearing every single new hairstyle, because I'm lazy and you've probably seen that on a billion different blogs, but here's my doll in my very favourite hair style - ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!?!
Usually, I hate long hair on my doll, but this I just couldn't resist. Oh, and by the way, there are new eyes and lips, too. But the lips look stupid on me, and I love my eyes, so yeah.
Kisses and Hugs, Elle

I love October.

You have had a fantastic month, Stardoll. First, the RC's makeovers, then, the HotBuys, then THIS. Breast cancer awareness! YEAH! As every celebrity should, I've got my favourite cause. And that'd be eating disorder awareness... but breast cancer awareness is a close one! I haven't actually BOUGHT anything from this shop, yet, but I fully intend to. It's just that I need to get my Halloween costume first. But, my favourite thing in this shop is obviously those HAWT ankle boots. The pin is gorgeous, though, too.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

PS - I mentioned Halloween costumes earlier... anybody got ideas? I can't decide on anything, or if I do, I can't make a decent non-superstar costume!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October's HotBuys!

While I wish there was some mention of Halloween in these HotBuys, I cannot complain. At all. I think I love every single item in here, except for two. TWO! Do you even know how amazing it is for me to only dislike TWO items?!?!??! Ah, calm down, Elle. So let's rate these bitches. Worst to best.

10. Boots - Uhm, ew. Sorry, guys. I don't do the combat boots, especially when they're hot pink. I hate anything that is meant to be a neutral colour, like brown or green, when they're in a neon colour. Ugh.

9. Necklace - This is the other item that I didn't like too much. It's okay, but it looks a lot like... not amazing. I'll probably still buy it though, knowing me.

8. Coat - This is either beautiful in every way, or disgusting. I'm leaning towards the beautiful. Even though it's unfashionable in every way, I still love it. Yeah, it's weirding me out too, don't worry. Most likely buying it.

7. Heels - Those are HAWT. I don't know how they'll look when they're tiny enough to fit out medoll's size 6 feet. I'll still buy 'em, though.

6. Gloves - Cuh-YUTE, accent on the 'cute' part. Very simple, though. Especially for HotBuys. I'll but them anyways.

5. Shirt - It looked SO MUCH BETTER when it used to be a Hello Kitty, but it's still not bad. I just love the whole black-shirt-with-neon-graphics-OFAKITTY idea. Buying it!

4. Skirt - Uh, gorgeous, much. I love the silhouette, and the print, and eeeeverything.

3. Dress - One of my very favourites, obviously. It looks gorgeous. I can also think of the PERFECT outfit right now, even though it'll probably be superstar...

2. Eyelashes - YEAHYEAH BABY! These are hot, with a capital H O T. When I buy them, I'll probably hate them, but I don't care. I'm still buying them for the fact that I can say "I have the sexiest eyelashes on Stardoll".

1. Bag - Once again, I'm tempted to yell 'yeahyeah, baby'. But I won't, for the sake of my... something or rather. Well, basically, this bag is beautiful in every single way. It reminds me a lot of my favourite brand, Coach. And I just love the colour and print. YAYAYAYAYA.

Kisses and Hugs,

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lace, feathers, and velvet - oh my!

Yay, Stardoll! I'm hoping they actually put out these trends this fall. I love lace, statement jewelry, checked, and boho deluxe. Pattern looks like something threw up, unfortunately, but a pattern theme isn't a bad idea. That feathers coat isn't amazing either, but I can think of 5 awesome feather pieces already.
Oh, and on another note - doesn't it annoy you how in their ads, they use hairstyles, facial features, and clothes you can't even use? Like on that model. She looks fantastic. I love her bun, her lips, her eyes, her makeup, her eyebrows... but, you can't use any of it. Gaurgh.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Style gets up close and personal.

[ click to enlarge ! ]
Hmmm, Style_Magazine has decided to let us know more about her. Not being so 'mysterious'. As you can see from the dissucsion board on her club, she's letting people post in her GB random questions and she promises she'll answer them all.

So far, we've got a 19 year old girl who gets scared easily, and watches a lot of television. She also wants to go to Venice [amazing place, by the way], and.... well, I'm too lazy to search through all the pages for more information.
Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Damn, there's a catch.

[click to enlarge, but of course]

That's extremely annoying. From the advice of other blogs, I mailed Stardoll about the whole Chanel-thing. I asked if after I got to keep the items, and, yeah, that was a big, fat, NO. So, if you're getting a refund for your Chanel items, be prepared to have them removed from your account, too! I know they're not nearly as valuable after the logo was changed, but I figured I could still do with that black belt with the 'O' on it...
Kisses and Hugs, Elle


Is this outfit not goooorgey? Everything goes together so perfectly, just so scholarly. Of course, I might be wrong, because I don't really know what scholarly is, AND I'm probably spelling it wrong. Yay! If you know your stardollians well, or you're a stalker, you might know the beautiful person wearing this outfit is Steelone. Judging by her presentation, she sounds like an amazing person. So, even though I've never talked to her, go to her suite and add her. GOOOO DOOOOO IT.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Isn't it beautiful?!!?!? Please tell me this dress doesn't end up superstar.
This picture is from, a fabulous blog that gives fashion tips, gorgeous medolls, and the thing it's famous for, spoilers.
Go there for some fabulosa blogging, lovely readers.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle

Monday, October 13, 2008

Heidi got some plastic surgery. Yeahyeah.

As far as I know, we are the first blog to, erm, blog about this! Yeeeah, go TTAS! Anyway, as everyone could see from the opening of the Jordache shop, Heidi was going to get made over, following in the steps of MK. So, we all knew the new look was coming. But, me, being stupid, didn't realize that her wardrobe was going to be changed to mostly Jordache. Uh, DUH, Elle. Personally, I like her new face better. The old one had the freakiest smile ever.

Kisses and Hugs,

PS - Sorry I never got around to writing about MK's face lift. It just kind of came and went by me. But she looks gorgeous, so that's all that matters. :)


Okay, THIS IS ANNOYING. I started to post about the whole mystery of the UNDER CONSTRUCTION sign, and then I clicked on the Starplaza again. Of course, the construction is over. The new Starplaza is pretty awesome, though. I'm not going to take a screen shot, because I'm lazy, but go over to the Straplaza and CH-CH-CHECKITOUT.

Kisses and Hugs,

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Okay, has anyone noticed that when you save your medoll, it either saves part of it, and leaves out some of it? Thats what happens to me ALL THE TIME. And what makes me even more mad is that sometimes when I save, my whole medoll 'resets' and goes back to different hair, lips, and appearance! Even when I add the simplest little accessories, it doesn't freaking save! Stardoll seriously needs to shape up...


Friday, October 10, 2008

What. The. Censored word.

My once beautiful Coco Chanel belt, and the gorgeous purses have become.... fabulous designs from the world famous designer who goes by the name 'O'. Or, y'know, NOT.
I knew there had been the minor changes on the Coco Chanel doll, but I didn't think they'd actually do it to our items... BUT THEY DID.
Just check your suites. Or the Starplaza, if you didn't buy them, you unfashionable creature.

I really need some Kisses and Hugs,

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I give total props to Elle for keeping this blog up. School has started for me at least 4 weeks ago, and they've been hell. All but my forth hour.[; I know, I know, its a total lame excuse, but between school, stardoll, and other new websites, I did forget. But now I'm making my way back into this blog. I don't know what happened to our newest addition, but it was fun while it lasted? Hmm..maybe I'll have to interview better people next time. Oh yeah, one last thing. To all you girly girls out there, I suggest the new Rococo line in Pretty and Pink. Black, pink, bows, and ruffles adorn the clothing, and I'm sure those prissypant girls will love them.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A hundred thousand posts in one.

Sorry for not posting for, erm, like a week. Of course, I've been doing better than my fellow bloggers... Sorry, that came out meaner than intended. But you guys have disappeard... I'M GETTING LONELY!

Anyways, moving on. Here's the latest news on... EVERYTHING, BITCH.

The new MKA collection. Absolutely fabulous. I can't believe I'd ever say that to the MKA line, but I did. Unfortunately, my superstarness is GONE and it's all superstar. Sob, sob. Especially the sexy oxford heels. Yummers.
The HotBuys skirt. Okay, first, overpriced to the max. 10 stardollars?! Second, SUPERSTAR! Boo, frigging hoo! I wanted this skirt... soo... badly... And the HotBuys jacket has been released too, but I really don't care about that. :)
Teen Style. So far, the articles have been lovely, and by lovely, I mean awesome. But there hasn't been any new ones for maybe 2 weeks? Hmmmm...
Style [Style_Magazine] working for Her posts have been awesome, but the banner is questionable... I'm too lazy to post it here, but I'm sure you've all seen it by now. Y'know, her naked medoll covering her lady parts, and all. Personally, I don't think it's offensive or anything like some people do, but it is a little odd. Like, why would you choose to make herself in tha nude? Apparently, she couldn't choose the right gown... ;)

So I think that's about five billion posts in one. With no photos. I'm just going to stop this post before I say something stupid. So bye, lovely readers.

Kisses and Hugs,