Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the monthly gift club.

Stardoll has been advertising, and more than 200.000 people have joined. But why so special? Is it because its sponsered by Tampax Pearl? Is it because everyone else is joining? No. Its because of the special gifts you get when the club reaches a certain member amount! Stardoll is on the right track with this idea. In the near future, will we start seeing more sponsered clubs with gifts? Or is this a one time thing? The gifts you get for this may seem a little stingy for some people, but its a start for Stardoll. Lets see if they carry on with sponsered clubs. I hope they do [;

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Haha. I only joined for the clothes. But I've only gotten like, two of the things. :Z Stardoll is icky icky poo.