Saturday, August 23, 2008

My personal style star. :)

Hmmm, I can't figure out a way to start this post, so I'm going to come right out and say it - isn't Brianne, aka Godlygirl10's outfit amazing?
She's been one of my stardoll besties for pretty much ever, and I've always know how fabulous all of her outfits come out, but this one blew me away. She combined vintage, rare items with that amazing Vivienne Tam dress, pulling it all together with some kick-ass tattoos, and a classy strand of pearls.
Bri, while I've seen you act the part, I've never seen you looking so hardcore! :)
kisses and hugs,

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Aww thanksh you. You're the bomb, dood.