Sunday, August 24, 2008


Have you EVER seen a suite so amazing? ...halloween... definitely earns a spot in the 'MOST FREAKING BEAUTIFUL SUITES ON STARDOLL'. Who else would have thought of using the Halloweens pumpkins for the hills that those African ladies are walking on? What about those blue curtains used for the sky, among many other tools?
Here's the gorgeous bedroom. I don't know if any of our readers have been to the West Edmonton mall, largest mall in North America, but this room reminds me SO MUCH of one of their hotel rooms. Each room had a theme [ ours was Africa ], and this room seems straight out of the horse-themed section of the hotel. All it's missing it the hot-tub. ;)

Ooers, and here's her main, closet room! This is most definitely not one of those stuffy museums that nobody likes. My favourite 'painting' is the Chinese one, closely followed by that ah-mazing Statue of Liberty one. Oh, and by the way - the Halloween banner at the top is a nice touch.

kisses and hugs,

PS: Yes, I got this idea from the awesome blog, My Wicked Style. I don't think of this as copying, or anything though. It was just an amazing suite. Go check their blog out!

PPS: Try digging through the Africa room, and see what you find... You may be suprised. ;)

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