Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just one Flash, and she's gone.

Cheesy title, I know.
But does anybody remember the good old days? You know, barely 2 months ago, when Flash Magazine was fighting for the title of number 1 magazine on stardoll?
Those were fuuuuuun. I still don't get why nobody cared about Flash anymore. I guess it's probably because Eternity came out.
But I was just visiting Lo's page, and I saw a big message splayed across her presentation. 'GOODBYE'. And, according to her 'Last Seen' thing, she's been gone for a whole month!
God, I need to keep up with things more.

Kisses and Hugs,

PS - I still love you! :)

Eternity Magazine

WOA-OH. Magazine alert! Eternity, one of the most respected magazines on stardoll, just put out their best issue yet.
The first article, '10 Top Trends', hit every style on the nail. Not one fashionable person on stardoll can deny that those are some gorgeous items.
While when I visited Sephora, I couldn't replicate the beauty of 'Just Look Stunning', the writer, Liza Georgivia, did an amazing job.
'Look-A-Like Real Star' did a perfect job on Ashley Tisdales outfit.
I would have liked a few more style options in the article 'Your Wardrobe', the Eternity team did an impeccable job on the 2 trends they chose.

Now, just so I won't bore you to tears, here's my favourite pictures of the whole magazine:

Those hairstyles are amazing. I'm not sure is they got them from i-dressup or Roiworld or WHATEVER, but you can't deny that these hairstyles look better than some of Style's graphics. That's right, I went there.I just love the background of this whole photoshoot. While I must say I enjoyed Anthony [ springate ]'s interview more, these graphics are amaaaaazing.

Congrats on another great issue, Mary! :)

Kisses and hugs,



Howdy. So lets get down to business. Just wanted to fill all our readers in on some new shtuff. First of all, we now have a club on stardoll for this blog. It's called TTAS.Blog, so all you stardollians should join it. Second of all, I just want to apoligize a little bit for not posting here for awhile. I've been a little bit busy, and stardoll hasn't come out with any news. And last but not least, I just wanted to tell everyone about the collage section. It was pure randomness when I added it, but I think it will be really fantabulous when I get the hang of it.[; So thats all for now, stay tuned for new updates, news and more!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Show`s New Everything.

Oh my, my, my. I really don't care about The Show, - oops, I mean 'Stardoll Magazine' - unless we`re talking a [ gasp ] stylish CoverGirl or the new HotBuys, but the new , Vogue layout is impressive. It is a tad hard to navigate, but it doesn't take too long to figure out. Anyways, since I'm too lazy to write more, I'm just going to end with a little question - Which layout did you like better? Stardoll Magazine's, or The Show's?

Kisses and hugs,



It's that time of month again - No, I'm not talking about those frigging Tampax ads. It's time for the new HotBuys to come out! Overall, these ones are semi-impressive. There`s pretty much nothing that I hate, so that`s a start. So, as all great stardoll blogs do, I`m going to write a list of the best to worst of this months HotBuys.

1. Purple Jacket - OMIGOD. I looooove this jacket. One, purple is the best colour ever, 2, the shape is just plain gorgeous. I cannot WAIT until this jacket comes out, even if it turns out to be 10 stardollars.

2. Black Floral Maxi-Dress - I know I should hate it, but I really don`t. I may or may not buy it if it's over 8 stardollars. Those flowers are great, and it looks perfect over the black. The shape looks a little pregnant lady, true, but I know my medoll can pull it off. ;)

3. Brown Necklace - Ooers! This necklace is gorgey! Most likely, I'm planning on buying it, unless it's ridculously over-priced.

4. Black and White Maid Purse - Does this not remind you of a french maid? It's still not bad, but I'm not sure I'm going to buy it. I hardly ever use any of the many purses I have, and I'm not about to add this little mediocre one, even if it is a HotBuy.

5. Blue Ankle Boots - I actually LOOOOVE these boots, as I do of all ankle boots. I just can't really tell from this distance. I'll have to see them on my medoll. I'm still probably going to end up buying them though. These boots probably should be number 4, I just can't be bothered to go change my picture editing.

6. Leighton Meester Blouse - Eeeew. I usually love these style of shirts, but this is a seriously crap version. Those colours aren't looking too great, either.

7. Yellow Leaf Headband - Meh. This isn't that bad. But there is no way you can get me to spend 4 stardollars on a headband that I'm never going to wear. Unless those leaves turn out to be pure gold, enscribed with Coco Chanel quotes, I'm not buying it.

8. Vanessa Hudgens Bow LBD - Oh, WOW. I've seen photos of the real dress, and it looks five hundred times better in real life. Stardoll, how could you ruin such an adorable dress?!

9. Horoscope Necklace - Another crappy star sign necklace. I love the accessory store Claires, but this looks like something you'd find on the 10 for 10 rack. I can understand stardoll putting this out - what 9 year old doesn't love a Virgo choker?

10. Hair Dye - Noooooobody caaaaaares. Hair dye for a frigging HotBuy is the stupidest thing ever. Better than the swamp green from June.

Kisses and hugs,


EDIT: Okay, I'm a hypocrite. Once I saw that bow-dress on my medoll, I had to have it. So sue me. ;)

Monday, August 25, 2008

even though i'm in a crappy mood...

I'm going to let you in on another fantabulous outfit, that i can't have, but you can. So here we go!

-Vivienne Tam's satin sequin coat. [purple coat on outfit]

-Pretty in Pink's silk organza top. [pink top on outfit]

-Stardoll's [the store] Audrey top. [white layer on outfit]

-Pretty in Pink's pretty top. [lace layer on outfit]

-DKNY's wide leg trouser. [white pants on outfit]

-Vivienne Tam's purple strap platforms. [purple shoes on outfit]

[by the way, if you can't see this outfit very well, click on the picture, and it sends you to a close up]

Well, there it is. Another beautiful outfit made by your's truely. Keep an eye out, Elle might start making some too. Together, we're helping the fashion challenged, one at a time[;

peace, love and all that other shit,

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Breathtaking, I know. [; I would love to have this outfit. But, unfortunatly I can't. For all you people that can, here's what it contains;

-Stardoll's [the store] Body-con Dress. [grey sleeves on outfit]

-Stardoll's [the store] Stardoll dress. [all white dress with rainbow stitching at the top], [white layer on outfit]

-Vivienne Tam's flower slash blouson dress. [black layer on outfit]

-Vivienne Tam's satin haze dart dress. [purple, white and green dress on outfit]

-Fudge's fude belt. [the black belt on outfit]

-DKNY's hyde T-strap platform black heels. [black heels on outfit]

-Voile's stones with pearls necklace. [necklace on outfit]

This is such a fantabulous outfit, right? And if you want to have it yourself, don't ask me how to assemble it. It's not brain surgery, people[;



Just thought I ought to share this wonderful club, MyBestHoresClub with y'all.
It's a club about HORSES. I just thought it was funny when I saw the broadcast, so I couldn't resist blogging about it. :)

Kisses and hugs, Elle

PS: She's from Sweden, so it's okay. Hahahaah.

You just got glitched.

[ click to enlarge, if you really want to see my immaturity that bad. ]

Callie made a boo-boo. Of course, you've heard about this on all the other gossip blogs, but you can send messages to yourself. Yaaaay?
Ooh, but I really did make cookies last night. Chocolate with white chocolate chips. They're magically delicious.

Kisses and hugs,


Have you EVER seen a suite so amazing? ...halloween... definitely earns a spot in the 'MOST FREAKING BEAUTIFUL SUITES ON STARDOLL'. Who else would have thought of using the Halloweens pumpkins for the hills that those African ladies are walking on? What about those blue curtains used for the sky, among many other tools?
Here's the gorgeous bedroom. I don't know if any of our readers have been to the West Edmonton mall, largest mall in North America, but this room reminds me SO MUCH of one of their hotel rooms. Each room had a theme [ ours was Africa ], and this room seems straight out of the horse-themed section of the hotel. All it's missing it the hot-tub. ;)

Ooers, and here's her main, closet room! This is most definitely not one of those stuffy museums that nobody likes. My favourite 'painting' is the Chinese one, closely followed by that ah-mazing Statue of Liberty one. Oh, and by the way - the Halloween banner at the top is a nice touch.

kisses and hugs,

PS: Yes, I got this idea from the awesome blog, My Wicked Style. I don't think of this as copying, or anything though. It was just an amazing suite. Go check their blog out!

PPS: Try digging through the Africa room, and see what you find... You may be suprised. ;)

just a little reminder..

Hey guys! I just want to tell everyone to check out all of our blog! Not only do we have totally amazing topics, and posts, but we also have more! Be sure to check out our ever-changing playlist, Quote of the Week, and..OUR NEW FEATURES COMING SOON! But one last thing I want to emphasize, is to SUSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG. It's right at the bottom of this blog, and you won't regret it!



Saturday, August 23, 2008

My personal style star. :)

Hmmm, I can't figure out a way to start this post, so I'm going to come right out and say it - isn't Brianne, aka Godlygirl10's outfit amazing?
She's been one of my stardoll besties for pretty much ever, and I've always know how fabulous all of her outfits come out, but this one blew me away. She combined vintage, rare items with that amazing Vivienne Tam dress, pulling it all together with some kick-ass tattoos, and a classy strand of pearls.
Bri, while I've seen you act the part, I've never seen you looking so hardcore! :)
kisses and hugs,

games on stardoll?

I think Jamie Lynn agrees with me on this one. These games on stardoll? Pointless. Whats the point of dressing up horses, or making a faces out of celebrity features? Sure the design studio game would be great to play, if you could still buy your designs! But I guess that game is outdated, thanks to the StarDesign studio. What I think stardoll should do about these games? Either move it or lose it. They should make new games that actually appeal to people, or get rid of them.



Vivienne Tam!


Just when I thought that this Real Brand couldn't get any better, it did. Daaaaaamn. I can't actually find a single dress in the Fall Collection that I don't love. Okay, I think I have a permament grudge against that disgusting jacket, and those shoes are not worth 5 stardollars, but all of those dresses are a-freaking-mazing. My personal favourite would be the dress that my medoll is sporting below.



the ultra fabulosa 'elleo', aka as Elle.

Hello, avid stardoll blog readers! :)
I figured I ought to introduce myself to all of our... erm... probably no readers. But it is the thought that counts. Anyway, welcome to our blog, yada yada yada. Hope you like our posts, invite others to read the blog, comment, AND ALL... THAT... JAAAAAAAAZZ!

tee tee eff en,

club Animal-Lovers

What can I say about this club? Well not only is it the biggest club on stardoll, but it's also the most disturbing, perverted and sick club on stardoll. And how does stardoll cover up that? They write in 'The Show' about how the club is about animals, and how cruelty affects them. Isn't that sweet? I think not. Anyone who has a brain, and can read the posts in that club knows how disgusting the club is. One thing that really bugs me, is that the owner does NOTHING about it. No top spot topics telling everyone to knock it off. I don't see why she doesn't just delete the club for pete's sake! Some topics in this club include; christians=bullshŃ–t, EEEEWWEWEW, and many scams. And those we're just from today. This club is out of control, and stardoll really needs do something about it. This club should be deleted, asap.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the couture lottery!

Ooh la la. Now this is one thing stardoll has gotten me excited about. The couture lottery! If you don't know what this is by now, its a random drawing that anyone can enter. Stardoll will pick 20 lucky people to win one of 20 gorgeous, one of a kind, couture dresses! The entering only went for about 4 days, and I'm nervously waiting for the results. Though its a strong chance that I won't get a dress, its always good to hope, right? Hopefully stardoll actually is fair, and the drawing really is random. But it wouldn't be a suprise if all superstars won this contest, would it? Thats just how stardoll works, I guess. I'll be sure to update the blog with the results of who one these beautiful dresses. Ciao.


stardesign contest.

Ahh, the stardesign contest. One persons design trash, is another persons treasure. Myself, I have been voting for the best designs. But what I think is odd, is that more than half of the designs that you can vote for are half-ass jobs. But some designs blow me away. skeletonmouth actually made a pictures in her suite that is made out of- get this -HER T-SHIRTS SHE DESIGNED. And she made these designs out of the little materials you get at the design studio. Another person who's designs knocked me out of my feet was cherrypiegrl. Her designs include; Hollister Co., Juicy Couture, the Olympics, Coach, cartoon characters, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bebe, Pink, and several others. Be sure to check out both of these girls, and vote for your favorites! One lucky winner will win the grand prize of the all new Sidekick! Have fun, and keep designing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

back to school collection?

There's no blues, like the back to school blues. Stardoll has just released a back to school line with a lot of..shall I say..interesting clothes. The inspiration behind this collection is on the picture to the left [for a close-up of the picture, click on it]. I'm afraid I have to give some clothes a thumbs down. The men's clothes for this are okay on the top, but at the bottom is a whole other story. Short-shorts?! With a blazer and tie?! And the woman's clothes? Well you could say that there's a lot of floral prints, knee-length skirts, and loose, baggy clothes. Back to school wear has gone down the drain. Sure you can mix and match some of the pieces to create a decent outfit, but its not the ideal collection when it comes to back to school clothes.

the monthly gift club.

Stardoll has been advertising, and more than 200.000 people have joined. But why so special? Is it because its sponsered by Tampax Pearl? Is it because everyone else is joining? No. Its because of the special gifts you get when the club reaches a certain member amount! Stardoll is on the right track with this idea. In the near future, will we start seeing more sponsered clubs with gifts? Or is this a one time thing? The gifts you get for this may seem a little stingy for some people, but its a start for Stardoll. Lets see if they carry on with sponsered clubs. I hope they do [;

Monday, August 18, 2008


Welcome everyone! I'd just like to thank everyone for visiting this page. We will try and post everyday with news about stardoll [good or bad]. Thanks for taking the time to read our blogs!
