Friday, September 4, 2009

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Check it Out!

Black and White Visions. Go to it! My new blog, since this little one didn't survive.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Russia Rocks..?

As I log onto Stardoll, my insides jumbled up, and the rest of me physically and mentally exhausted, I check the normal stuff. As I make my way to the Shop's, I notice something new. A new Russia Rocks line? As I go through the pages of the clothes, I get pickier, and pickier. Gah. Seriously, this stuff makes me want to stick my head in the sand. Who came up with this idea?! The only decent things I can find are the items of clothing on my medoll. But gosh, that blue velvet dress made me gag, for real. And the "faux" fur jacket makes me sick. The hats are just outrageous. Unless your medoll is about to venture the frigid lands of Russia, I wouldn't suggest wasting your money on these clothes. Maybe the jacket, but the rest..well, you get the idea.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year!

Hey, guys. I know I haven't been posting in awhile, and to tell you the truth, there's nothing very interesting to post about, lately. But I just wanted to let you guys know, Stardoll has reached out a generous hand and in the Starplaza, you can buy a beautiful DKNY gold and black Lurex Tank Dress!

And the best part is...IT'S FREE! So go and buy it before the world ages yet another year. 2009, baby!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

January Hotbuys

Winter sucks, okay? Just thought I'd get that out there. Even though there's the holidays, I just cannot stand snow. SNOW SUCKS. It's okay at times, like on Christmas day, or if you want to go skiing... but if it hasn't stopped snowing for 3 days [coughCANADAcough] then it is not so great. Anyway, here's one thing that doesn't suck about Winter - okay, well, they kinda suck. A little. But I'm going to review them anyways - JANUARY HOTBUYS.

10. Pink Shirt - Ew ew ew ew ew. That thing is FUGLY. I bet you could probably make is a cute outfit, but that would require some amazing clothing. For now, when it's by itself, there is no way I'm buying it.

9. Earrings - I'm sorry, I just DON'T LIKE BIG EARRINGS. I mean, they can be okay if they're just hoops or maybe pretty chandeliers, but those earrings are just too much for me.

8. Earmuffs - I don't get the point of earmuffs on Stardoll, I really don't. Like, it just looks weird if you put earmuffs on with, for example, the the glam HotBuys dress from this month. The only way for them to look, well, not-stupid, is if you're wearing big, bulky boots and a winter coat... but I don't see myself doing that anytime soon.

7. Puffy Coat - I'm 99 percent positive this is Juicy Couture. While I'm not a big Juicy fan, this coat is pretty cute in real life - but on Stardoll, it just looks odd. Not buying.

6. Shoes - DAMMIT. Those shoes will look hella cute on a white medoll, but on my medoll's skintone, it almost always ends up looking weird. Boo. But since I am aaaaalways thinking of others, I let these shoes be number 6.

5. Tux Jacket - Eeeeh. This could look cute. It's a little too 'loud' for my style, but someone could pull this off, I'm sure of it.

4. Leggings - These have serious potential. I think they look a little too matchy-matchy under that dress, they could look very, very cute under something else. Just a random thing, though:

What's up with the question marks, and why is there no release date? I checked, and they're not in store yet...

3. Dress - Aaaah. This is GLAMOROUS! Very, very good job on this one, Callie. I can't wait to toughen it up with a blazer and boots.

2. Bag - I am a forever fan of Coach. I just swoon over the designs, and.... jeebus, I just really really love this purse.

1. Skirt -AHMAGAWD THIS IS ADORABLE! I love the shape, I love the print, I love the ribbon, EEEEEEE! I just cannot get over this skirt!

Oookay, so overall... these HotBuys were really not that hot. Like, there's only 3 items that I really do like. But enough about me - what do YOU think about January's HotBuys?

Happy Holidays, Elle

PS : If I don't write again before the holidays... merry, merry, merry Christmas, happy Hanakkuh, joyful Kwanzaa, and anything else that you are celebrating! I LOOOOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Stardoll changed the closets. Again.
AND I AM FRICKING PISSSSSED. I hate it. It takes FOREVER to get to the back of your closet.
@#^&! Ugh.

Kisses and Hugs, Elle