Friday, January 9, 2009

Russia Rocks..?

As I log onto Stardoll, my insides jumbled up, and the rest of me physically and mentally exhausted, I check the normal stuff. As I make my way to the Shop's, I notice something new. A new Russia Rocks line? As I go through the pages of the clothes, I get pickier, and pickier. Gah. Seriously, this stuff makes me want to stick my head in the sand. Who came up with this idea?! The only decent things I can find are the items of clothing on my medoll. But gosh, that blue velvet dress made me gag, for real. And the "faux" fur jacket makes me sick. The hats are just outrageous. Unless your medoll is about to venture the frigid lands of Russia, I wouldn't suggest wasting your money on these clothes. Maybe the jacket, but the rest..well, you get the idea.